Welcome to CTOOLS Software Development on the internet.

This page will always have links to the most recent versions of our
projects as well as some information on release dates, useful hints
and common questions and answers.

- CTRequest, powerful, colorful and configurable system requesters.

- VWM, Virtual Window Manager, version 1.4.
- MagicNews, integrated mailer/news client for Amiga.
- SoftExe, intelligent program launcher for Amiga.

- CFD, System maintenance/backup/antivirus application.
- Ned, use a single interface to close the active window.

- RandomE, the most powerful and feature-laden randomizer for Amiga.

- MagicWords, the multilingual (English, German, Swedish) word translator with crossword support and more. For Amiga and Win95.
- VSM, virtual screen manager with AREXX support.
- SafeData, look here if you value your privacy.
- HappyHours, the Internet freak's best friend.
- MagicFTP, FTP client for Amiga.
- DesktopToilet, object remover and desktop cleaner for AmigaOS.
- FetchURL, Shell robot that http-fetches files.
- EasyIcon, powerful icon data modifier for AmigaOS.
- QWK2Txt, QWK to text converter.
- httpSort, Alpha-sorts lists of http links.
- Merlin, clone of the world's first computer/video game.
- SweetCommodity, hot key launcher for Amiga.
- ScreenDepth, outputs asked screen's depth or numbers of colors.

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Copyright © 1995-1997 CTOOLS. Last Modified 29-Sep-97.
For comments, suggestions, questions E-Mail webmaster@ctools.pp.se
Since 25-Jan-96