MagicNews, the mailer/news client for the Amiga.
All concept, design and programming by Bahman Moallem.

A few words about software piracy on the Amiga platform.

Please read this FAQ before you ask me anything about this program:
- Q: Why did you started programming MagicNews in the first place?
- A: I could not find any integrated mailer/news client that
satisfied my needs so I just had to make one myself ;)
- Q: Can I become a beta tester?
- A: No, thank you for your interest in MagicNews. I do not need
more testers for the program at the moment.
- Q: Is MagicNews the same program as mNews?
- A: No. mNews, the online news client (a damn good one) is
programmed by John Brooks. MagicNews is programmed by
Bahman Moallem.
- Q: Does the word Magic in the program's name imply that MagicNews
is a MUI program?
- A: No. MagicNews does not use any external GUI-engine for its GUI.
- Q: Are you going to release MagicNews as shareware?
- A: No. I have put a tad too much of my time into this program to
release it that way. It does not make sense to develope it further
for a few registred users. Contact me for details if you are
an Amiga publisher and want to market MagicNews commercially.
- Q: What are the strengths of MagicNews?
- A: For the first it works and it does it damn good (can you say
the same thing about the news client that you are currently
using?). It has a flexible and user configurable GUI. MagicNews
is completely Amiga User Interface Style Guide Compliant. The
strength of the program is mainly in its ability to handle usenet
articles. It does a damn good job in filtering and cleaning up news
articles. You can learn it how it should handle articles. The
way I have it configurered for my own needs, it can create 400 KB
of important articles out of a news packet of 6 MB.
- Q: Ok but afterall, can't I have a copy of it anyway?
- A: Sorry, not yet.

For the beta testers:
The new beta build 43 (version 1.61) is now available. 
Access for registred beta testers only.

Copyright © 1995-1997 CTOOLS. Last Modified 13-May-97.
For comments, suggestions, questions E-Mail webmaster@ctools.pp.se