MagicFTP, the FTP client for the Amiga.
All concept, design and programming by Bahman Moallem.

A few words about software piracy on the Amiga platform.

I used to put much of my time to update the remote copy of the CTOOLS WEB site to match the local copy it. Finally I got tired of having to do the task manually so the first Alpha version of MagicFTP was programmed. :)

Currently MagicFTP is a GUI-less FTP client that besides from being useful as an ordinary FTP client, can be used to update a remote copy of your WEB-site to automagically match the local one.

MagicFTP is currently in its early Beta phase of development.

MagicFTP is going to be released as shareware.

The current beta of the program will not be updated for a while as the development of MagicFTP has temporarily been frozen in favor for other and more important projects.

For the beta testers:

Your beta versions here..

Access for registred beta testers only.

Copyright © 1995-1997 CTOOLS. Last Modified 29-Sep-97.
For comments, suggestions, questions E-Mail webmaster@ctools.pp.se