What is new?
- Uploaded the second public version of ScreenDepth to the site.
- Uploaded the first public version of RandomE to the site.
- Uploaded a few snapshots and the feature list of powerful, colorful and
configurable system requesters CTRequest (CTR)
to the site.
- Uploaded the first public version of RandomE to the site.
- Uploaded the first public version of Ned to the site.
- Uploaded a new version of httpSort to the site.
This version sorts international strings properly.
- Uploaded the first non beta version of httpSort to the site.
This non beta version of the program is more than 600% faster than the last published
beta version. Enjoy.
- Uploaded VWM new version 1.4 to the site.
- Uploaded the first public version of VWM, the Virtual Window Manager, to the site.
- Uploaded the new beta build 763 of MagicNews for the beta testers.
- Uploaded the first public version of HappyHours to the site.
- Uploaded the first public version of SweetCommodity to the site.
- Uploaded version 1.1 of DesktopToilet to the site.
- Finally wrote a manual for the private "data manager" SafeData so
the first public version of the program is now available here.
It took me only 4 years to write a manual for it ;)
- Finally wrote a manual for the Workbench's "object remover/desktop
cleaner" DesktopToilet so the first public version of the program
is now available here. Go get it, those of you who asked me to
release it. It took me only 3 years to write a manual for it ;)
- Wrote an Amiga program to generate access statistic to the CTOOLS
site. View the tabels here.
- Added WSpeed test for A4000/25 MHZ - AGA vs 68060/50MHZ -
CyberVision64 to the 68060 page (see below).
- Added "Merlin", the world's first computer game to the site.
- Made some changes to make some pages a tad more secure.
- Added the "JAY MINNER, "FATHER OF AMIGA," DIES." page to AIC.
- Added 60 new Amiga links to
- You do not need to chase new sites among huge list of Amiga sites anymore. The new sites
are now marked with the little icon.
- All links are now alpha sorted. Wrote a small program to make this happen.
Get your free copy of the program here.
- I am not going to announce the addition of new links here anymore
as they are now clearly marked with the 'NEW' icon (see above for details).
- Uploaded a first beta version of httpSort to the site.
Use this beta release on your own risk and do not upload it to the AmiNet yet.
- Uploaded one of my very old programs, QWK2Txt to the site.
- The CTOOLS site is officialy opened at the new address: http://www.algonet.se/~ctools/.
- CTOOLS/Bahman Moallem's site at
http://www.sbbs.se/com/home/bamo/ in not valid anymore.
- Please observe that all of the pages are more or less under
construction. We are, in no way, finnished with them yet. A
lot of work is to be done on the design side.
- Before CTOOLS site was moved to its current location at
http://www.algonet.se/~ctools/, it was located at
http://www.sbbs.se/com/home/bamo/ and was visited 5484 times
since 96-Jan-25.
Copyright © 1995-1997 CTOOLS. Last Modified 28-Oct-97.
For comments, suggestions, questions E-Mail webmaster@ctools.pp.se