Page History

What's been added, changed or removed. Every change to these pages will be listed here with its date.

27/09/1996 - The pages are finally open for public use. The review link is still pretty incomplete!

30/09/1996 - Added a bugfix to the ECS/CyberGFX bug in Gloom Deluxe. Thanks to Dean Husby for this!

04/10/1996 - Updated some hints in the Hints & Tips section.

06/11/1996 - Added three NEW player levels! Thanks to John Girvin & Terry Jay Stone for them.

23/12/1996 - Finally managed to add more player contributions from J. Girvin again! Many thanks!

01/02/1997 - Major update! LOTS of new files, hints and some new links! I got Gloom CD32 now too.

07/02/1997 - Added trainers for both Glooms, updated some links & the Gloomy Breed levels!

09/03/1997 - Updated the hints, review (finally!) and files sections with lots of stuff!

13/04/1997 - Big update after a long break. Reviews now almost complete, more files added & hints page updated!
