Welcome To


The Official GLOOM Pages

Note! If you are aware of Mark Sibly's new email address, please let me know!
Last Updated: 13/04/1997


  • Page History
    - A list of changes happened to these pages.

  • Gloom Reviews
    - Reviews of Gloom and Gloom Deluxe with pictures of course. If you don't know something about
      these games, then read!

  • Files to Download
    - Lots of useful files for both Glooms available for downloading. Includes something never
      released before ;)

  • Bugfixes to Gloom
    - Ok, nobody's perfect! Here are the solutions for the few bugs that had left to Gloom.

  • Hints for Gloom
    - Having trouble at some point? Have no fear - the hints are here!

  • Miscellaneous Things
    - Some stuff that didn't fit any of those categories.

    Return To Ganja's Homepage

    (C) 1996-1997 Markus 'Ganja' Castren. All comments, bugs, suggestions and files should be sent to slice@xgw.fi