BarNone Program Reference

This is the reference section for BarNone, describing the full features of the program in a concise format. For a more descriptive tutorial, go to the tutorial section.

Drag & Drop A description of the complete set of drag & drop operations available in BarNone.
Command Line Parameters Supported command line options.
Variable Lookup and Recursion A description of the variable capabilities and types of recursion allowed.
File Type Classification How BarNone determines file types.
Global Attributes These attributes are available to all classes.
Class Reference A reference for the classes included with BarNone. It is not necessary for classes to be included with the program in order for them to be used with BarNone, so there may be classes available on your system that are not described here.

These sections contain important notes on using the classes.

Class Name Description
Bitmap Display a datatypes bitmap
Boolfile Checks for a file existing
Boolser Checks for serial device carrier detect
Boolsrch Searches command output for a pattern
Booltask Boolean status of a task
Clock Analog clock
DirIterator Create dynamic groups for files
DropCmd Workbench icon drag/drop box
Icon Display Workbench Icon
Layout Horiz/vert/array layout of objects
Loadmeter Load & free CPU meter
Memmeter Memory Meter (chip/fast/all)
Popwin Open/close window from main window list
Screenswitch Switch between screens
Screenview Thumbnail view of other screens
ScrIterator Create dynamic groups for screens
Space Empty space
Syscmd Execute AmigaOS command
Sysmeter System meter (tasks/libs count)
Template Dynamic copy from main template list
Text Text string
UpdateText Periodically updating text
Window Pop Window