Pop Window From Main List
Window Object Name The named window is searched for in the main window list. When the pop window button is pressed, that window is opened, if it was closed, or closed, if it was open. You can drag a window from the main list to this field to insert its object name.

Note: it is the object name, not the window title that is searched for!

If more than one window has the same object name, the first one encountered is opened.

Note that this class opens a window from the main window list. You can also imbed an entire window object in a layout group, in which case that window does not have to exist in the main window list at all. However, if you wish to have more than one copy of such a window, it is better to define it once in the main list and use a PopWin object.

True Object This object is displayed when the indiciated window is open. This allows, for example, a different bitmap to be displayed depending on whether the window will open or close.
False Object This object is displayed when the indiciated window is closed.
Update Interval Normally, the True/False object is updated immediately if the window is opened or closed by pressing the PopWin button. However, if the window is opened in some other manner (such as from the main editor window), the PopWin object will check the state periodically. If this window will only be controlled via this button, this can be set to some large value (e.g. 10 minutes).
Variables The following variables are exported by objects of this class. Variable names are case sensitive.

Variable Description
PWName The object name (not the window title) of the window object to be opened or closed.