Screen Switch Class
Screen Name The name of a public screen, or an AmigaOS pattern matching a screen title. When the ScreenSwitch button is pressed, this screen will be brought to the front.
Open Cmd This command will be executed to open the public screen when the "Open" context menu is selected.
Close Cmd This command will be executed to close the public screen when the "Close" context menu is selected.
Edit Cmd This command will be executed to edit the public screen when the "Edit" context menu is selected.
Hotkey If set to a valid Commodities hotkey specification, this key will bring the indicated screen to the front.

Variables can be used in the hotkey specification, but variable errors are ignored silently. This is to allow templates to reference hotkey variables without errors if the indicated variable does not exist.

For example, a useful definition in a ScreenSwitch used in a template might be ${SSHotKey:${ScreenName}}. Then, global variables such as SSHotKey:Workbench can be defined for each screen.

True Object An object to display when this screen is open. Useful in combination with e.g. a Screenview object, but anything can be of course used here.
False Object An object to display when this screen is closed.
Update Interval The state of the screen is periodically checked; this is the update interval.
Variables The following variables are exported by objects of this class. Variable names are case sensitive.

Variable Description
ScreenName The screen name or title that this object controls.