Screen Iterator Class
Screens This list of public screen names or screen titles will be scanned, and an object cloned for each screen that is found. The Screen Name entries may contain an AmigaOS pattern, which is matched first against public screen names, and then against screen titles.
Exclude A pattern matching screens to exclude. Any screen matching this pattern will not be scanned.
Scan Public
Scan Custom
Scan CyberGfx
Scan Native
If checked, the appropriate screen type will be scanned. If unchecked, it will be ignored.
Maximum Children Limits the maximum number of cloned objects. Useful to keep the total size of the group to something that will fit on the screen.
Format If set to Horizontal, the iterator will create the cloned objects in a horizontal group. Similar for Vertical. Rows and Columns will create an array with the indicated number of rows or columns.

A horizontal group:

A vertical group:

A group with Rows=2 or Columns=3:

The row or column count, for the appropriate Format type.
Spacing If set to Default, the MUI preferences group spacing is used. Otherwise, the indicated number of pixels are used between objects.
Horiz Spacing
Vert Spacing
The spacing, in pixels, between objects for spacing type of Custom

. A group with Horiz Spacing=10:

Dynamic If checked, the iterator will re-scan the screen list at regular intervals. Useful if you wish the group to update when the screen list changes.
Update Interval The re-scan update interval for Dynamic groups. Ignored otherwise.
Clone Object The object to copy.
Variables The following variables are exported by objects of this class. Variable names are case sensitive.

Variable Description
SIScreenName Will resolve to a different value for each object cloned by the iterator. The value will be the screen name or title.