Global Attributes
Global Attributes These attributes are available for any object.

Attribute Description
Config Parameters
Object Name Any name you wish to give the object. Some objects locate others by name, and this name is used in error reporting as well. Otherwise, it is for your own use.
Bubble Help Defines a MUI bubble help string for this object. If objects are nested (for example, with Layout groups), the inner most object that defines a bubble help will be used.
Appearance Parameters
Cycle Chain This means that the object can be selected by using the tab key to move between objects. This option is necessary for objects in AutoClose and Dynamic windows.
Frame Type Various types of frames (borders) for objects. Objects which are used as buttons must have a frame type of Button! Otherwise you cannot push them.
Horiz. Weight These are used as a relative weight of this object in its parent group, unless the Fixed Width or Height attributes are set, in which case they turn into an absolute pixel size.
Vert. Weight
Fixed Width If checked, the Horiz Weight becomes an absolute pixel size instead of a relative weight.
Fixed Height
Background Parameters
Custom BG If checked, this object's background can be selected with the Background gadget. Otherwise, it inherits its background from its parent object, if any.
Background Selects a custom background (pattern/color/bitmap) for this object and any children which do not define their own backgrounds. Some objects may overwrite their entire area with graphics, in which case the background will not be visible.