Analog Clock Class
Show Second Hand Toggles display of the second hand. A slight savings in CPU time is possible by turning this off, but it is negligible on fast systems.
Show Center Circle Not yet implemented.
Show 5-Min Pips
Show 1-Min Pips
Draws pips at 5 or 1 minute increments. They may have different sizes.
5-Min Pip Size
1-Min Pip Size
Size of the pips as a percentage of the dial diameter. This is so the pips scale appropriately when the clock is resized.
Hour-hand Length
Hour-hand Width
Minute-hand Length
Minute-hand Width
Second-hand Length
Second-hand Width
Dimensions of the clock hands as a percentage of the dial width. This is so the hands scale appropriately when the clock is resized.
Background Color The color that the clock face background is drawn in.
Pip Fill Color
Pip Outline Color
Hour Hand Fill Color
Hour Hand Outline Color
Minute Hand Fill Color
Minute Hand Outline Color
Second Hand Fill Color
Second Hand Outline Color
Colors for drawing the clock elements. Each may have a different outline and fill color.