Amiga Blast Magazine #4
Welcome to teh fouth issue of Amiga Blast.
In this issue you'll find a lot of news and some good reviews.
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Now browse the magazine.
- We Are Growing
- Amiga better than a PC or a Mac? Probably (Part 4)
- Texture Mapping continues.
- Implement TagLists in Blitz Basic.
- OOP fundamentals and its implementation in AmigaE (Parte 3)
- Let's join 2D and 3D Gfx.
- A 2D and Image Processing Program.
- Here there's how to create MultiMedia titles easyly.
- A very good strategy game.
- An Authoring System To Create Graphics Adventures.
VISCorp's Corner
- Which role will play VISCorp in the Amiga's future.
NOTA BENE Tutto il materiale in quesa rivista e' di Pubblico
Dominio, potrete quindi scaricarvi: grafica, sorgenti e usarli per i vostri
giochi o i vostri programmi!!!
Gli articoli rimarranno perņ (C)Copyright di Amiga Blast!