Cloanto Personal Paint V6.4 - Review

Personally, I think that the best drawing program on any kind of computer is Brilliance for the Amiga. If you have test this program, you've surely been struck by its speed and easy of use (even if at first it may seem very difficult).

DPaint is considered the best painting package, but latest versions are slow even on AGA machines.

Now that I finally can use professionally Personal Paint by Cloanto S.r.L., I am proud to say that it can be placed between Brilliance and DPaint. Yes, because I think that this product is better than DPaint, but not as good as Brilliance.

Usign a layout very similar to DPaint, it has much more features than the EA's product:

First of all, the capability of reading a lot of graphic formats: JPEG, GIF ..., and it is a unique feature that lacks even in Brilliance. If you use Amiga to draw professionally, you should know what it means to read and write directly in various graphic formats, without being forced to use other conversion programs.

Second: Image Processing tools. Operations that the program can do are lots and various: you can dither a pic or use effects such as Emboss or Stereography, but it si not just this: it is possible to create new effects modifying the existing ones or create your own.

Third: it is possible to manipulate number of colours of a pic directly with Personal Paint, without loosing time with other programs, and still having a good quality picture, well converted by Personal Paint.

If Cloanto would do an AGA version, optimizing painting routines, it will transform Personal Paint in "the" program by excellence on the Amiga, and I am not jocking.

Another good point is the Animations section. You can create frames with different palettes, and create a story-board to have a more precise idea of what we are doing.

Playback's frame rate is very high (even higher than Brilliance's one, very fast by itself.)

In "Cloanto Personal Suite" CD there are a lot of anims and pictures to test immediately product capabilities.
Sample of Effects

Here you can observe Cloanto Personal Paint at work: this picture has been drawn by me, and it has been filtered with Cloanto Personal Paint effects: value the results by yourself.


We can say that our opinion about this program is very good and, if the speed would increase and used coprocessors where present, this program could become the best drawing tool on the Amiga.

Congratulations to Italian Cloanto.

Thanks We thank Cloanto for giving us "Cloanto Personal Suite" CD-Rom, to review.

For having more info about the Cloanto's products write to:

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    Written By: Andrea Rotondo   e-mail:
       Vercelli 9
                28100 Novara
                ITALY               tel:    (ITA) - (0)321 459676