Where to go to escape my madness.
- VISCorp - The last best hope for victory.
- PIOS - Domeyer, Haynie, Finkel and Kittel - on tour.
- Phase 5 - The kings of Amiga accelerators.
- Amiga Technologies itself. Check out the new background image!
- Intangible Assets - home of DiskSalv, MegaBall, Mr
Backup, Connect Your Amiga!, and the Deathbed Vigil.
- Software Hut
- Digital Arts - my closest Amiga dealer, in
Bloomington. Cool people. Go there. Buy stuff. Watch out for the dog.
- CUCUG's Amiga Web Directory This is the
best Amiga resource on the net, this is where I steal my links from.
- Omnipresence. Home of IBrowse, AMosaic, and more.
- Ace - the world's coolest BASIC dialect.
- Aminet - The biggest software archive
for any computer system - period.
- SASG - Home of MUI, Magic Workbench, and more - the
best-looking Amiga site I've ever seen!
- Atari, Inc. - well, what's left of them, anyway...
- amiCrawler, an Amiga-themed
search engine! - if they ever fix their CGI mechanism.
- amiCrawler
- Carl Sassenrath - some guy who has AmigaDOS on
his resume.
- POV-Ray - The coolest public-domain program of all time.
- Be, Inc. - the next Amiga?
- comp.sys.amiga.stealth-turtle.advocacy
- comp.sys.amiga.haynie
- comp.sys.amiga.other.platforms.suck
- Always Apple. - Say what you will about Apple's
hardware, but this page is the sort of sentimental, morale-boosting thing the non-klone
people need right now.
- The antichrist. Ever notice that Microsoft's page
is ugly, all-Helvetica, slow, and next to impossible to find what you want in?
- c|net Mainstream news - for those who actually want it.
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