HAAGE & PARTNER will be the new German distributor
for PageStream 3.3
We will start sales of the outstanding DTP package for the Amiga
in the German speaking countries right now. Info.
Tornado3D News & Mailingliste
An 18. Sept. ist die Premiere von Tornado3D in Italien. Infos
Optimized Homepage
According to a survey in our German section most visitors complained
about the long loading time of our main page. So I reorganized it, cutted
the texts, deleted unimportant objects and optimized the graphics. I brought
it down to about 50K (from 120K). I hope you like it.
07-Sept-97: Amiga Inc. formed!
Finally Gateway formed the new Amiga Inc. which will consist
of about 30 employees until Christmas. More
07-Sept-97: Here are the new Patches for ArtEffect
2.1.5. There is also a new driver for TurboPrint 5. Support
The "MERAPI" project
The development of MERAPI - the JAVA for Amiga! - is going on
very fine and we hope to be able to present a version at Computer97 in
Cologne, Germany in November. Info

Member of the Amiga
Web Network.