We are currently developing a new Word Processor that will especially fit the needs of Students and Business People ! There will be a survey to receive more information about your needs and wishes. We are providing this survey here. Visitors of the COMPUTER 96 in Cologne (15.- 17. Nov) have already had a look at the latest development of easyWriter. Have a look at the wonderful GUI of easyWriter. After ArtEffect and drawSTUDIO, EasyWriter is the 3rd standard application from HAAGE & PARTNER.
Big Survey for EasyWriter1. What word processors do you currently use? 2. What features are most important for you in these word processors? 3. Which font formats would you like to see supported? 4. What kind of checking functions do you need (like grammar checker, spell-checker, etc. ) ? 5. What generators should be available in the basic package (like index generator etc.)? What generators do you think would be useful as part of an add-on package? 6. Do you want flexible configuration of the GUI? 7. What data formats should be supported? 8. What output devices should be supported? 9. What kind of software do you use professionally, and on what system? 10. What kind of Amiga do you have (model, CPU, memory, graphics card, etc.)? 11. Would you buy EasyWriter if it is as good as we say it is? 12. Other remarks? 13. Would you like to receive further information? 14. What are your name and address? Please send your answers to
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