
Prices / Ordering
Please note: All Prices must be paied in German Marks (DM), because we can only charge this currency. Nevertheless the right most column shows the SRP (Suggested Retail Price) in US$. This is mainly a help for the conversion to your native curreny.
ArtEffect ArtEffect 2.0
(Layers, unlimited Undo/Redo, HAM8)

ArtEffect 1.5 (HAM8, upgradeable!)

ArtEffect Update 1.x -> 2.0
ArtEffect Update 1.x -> 1.5 (Internet or AmiNet)
ArtEffect Update 1.x -> 1.5 (on disk)

ArtEffect Plug-In PowerEffects 1
ArtEffect Plug-In PowerEffects 2
ArtEffect Plug-In Superview
ArtEffect Plug-In PowerUP Effects (PowerPC optimized!)

298 DM

148 DM

148 DM
20 DM

69 DM
69 DM
69 DM
69 DM

(198 US$)
(98 US$)
(98 US$)
(10 US$)

(45 US$)
(45 US$)
(45 US$)
(45 US$)

Graphics Tablets

Amiga Drivers

Tablets will be delivered with Amiga driver Tableau and the UltraPen Duo (pressure sensitive, w/ Eraser) !

WACOM ArtPad II (A6, 96*128 mm)
WACOM UltraPad A5
WACOM UltraPad A4
WACOM UltraPad A3

The Amiga Tablet drives for all of you who already have the Tablet:
Tableau LT
(for Wacom ArtPad and Genius EasyPainter)
Tableau PRO (for Wacom UltraPad, Wacom UD series, Wacom ArtZ II and Genius NewSketch)


379 DM

69 DM
149 DM



(45 US$)
(98 US$)

DrawStudio DrawStudio 2.0 CD (incl. ImageStudio, ClipArts etc.)
DrawStudio 2.0 (disk version)

DrawStudio Upgrade 1.x CD/Disk -> 2.0
DrawStudio Upgrade 1.x -> 2.0 CDROM
DrawStudio Update 1.x -> 1.1 (Internet)

229 DM
179 DM

49 DM
89 DM

(158 US$)
(119 US$)

(35 US$)
(55 US$)

ClipArts Aktuelle Grafikbibliothek Amiga/PC/Mac
Interest Verlag (professionel quality! German only!)
198 DM (129 US$)
CD Phase 1 or 2 or 3
CD Phase 1 + 2
CD Phase 2 + 3
CD Phase 1 + 3
ea. 59DM
98 DM
98 DM
98 DM
(39 US$)
(65 US$)
(65 US$)
(65 US$)
100 Chistmas-Cliparts (DR2D format, on disks)
100 Wedding-Cliparts (DR2D format, on disks)
300 Universal-Cliparts (DR2D format, on disks)

49 DM
49 DM
59 DM
(35 US$)
(35 US$)
(39 US$)
Tornado3D 3D Render and Amination Package (from August 97)

448 DM (298 US$)
Internet NetConnect (from August 97)
(Voyager NG 3.0, Java-Script, AmFTP etc)

169 DM (119 US$)


PCx - PC/Pentium-Emulator

Fusion - Macintosh-Emulator

149 DM




Programming with StormC

Basic Package:
StormC 2.0 Professional (unlimited single user licence)
StormC 2.0 Non-Commercial (NC)
(non-commercial usage, no Shareware programming

StormC AddOns for StormC 2.0:

498 DM
298 DM

(333 US$)
(198 US$)
StormC 3.0 p.OS-AddOn
StormC 3.0 PowerUP-AddOn
StormC 3.0 PowerASM-AddOn

StormC Upgrades:

89 DM
298 DM
149 DM
(59 US$)
(198 US$)
(98 US$)
StormC 1.x auf 2.0 Professional
StormC 1.x auf 2.0 Non-Commercial


169 DM
89 DM
(115 US$)
(59 US$)
StormC 2.0 NC auf StormC 2.0 Professional

249 DM (169 US$)
PowerASM StormPowerASM V3.0

249 DM (169 US$)
StormWizard 2.0 (incl. p.OS version)

StormWizard Upgrade 1.x -> 2.0
StormWizard Upgrade from StormC Basic Package

149 DM

69 DM
98 DM

(98 US$)

(45 US$)
(65 US$)

Books Mastering Amiga Programming Secrets (C & ASM)
Total Amiga Assembler
56 DM
59 DM
(38 US$)
(40 US$)
How to order   1. Look for a local dealer -> International Dealers

2. Order at us:

Send us a written order by mail, fax or e-mail.

Enclose a Eurocheck in German Marks (DM).

or send your money to our Bank Account at

Frankfurter Sparkasse 1822, Swift-Code: FRASDEFF, Account: 71902.

or Personal Cheque in DM. Add 30 DM if you are using Personal Cheque because the bank charges us this fee for cashing the cheque.

or send, fax, e-mail us your VISA/MASTER/EUROCARD information (name, type of credit card, credit card number and expiry date).

Please add 30 DM for shipping outside Europe and 20 DM within Europe!

How to order StormC Demo   Send us 20 US$ cash or Eurocheck with 30 DM.

Do not send us Personal Cheque please !

There is no additional shipping charge !

 Address    HAAGE & PARTNER Computer GmbH
Mainzer Str. 10 A
61191 Rosbach

Phone: +49 - 6007 - 93 00 50
Fax: +49 - 6007 - 75 43

Email: sales@haage-partner.com

 Questions   If you have any question about ordering our products or about our products, please feel free to ask us. We will try to answer it as soon as possible.YES, I have a question.

© 1997 HAAGE & PARTNER Computer - http://www.haage-partner.com