Amiga Blast Magazine #3

Welcome to the third issue of Amiga Blast.

Sorry, for the delay... ;)

In this number you'll find a lots of news... many other will follow soon!

Contribuite to Amiga Blast! (See How To Contribuite To Amiga Blast )

Now Browse the Magazine.

Editor's Opinion

Amiga, the Phoenix

Proud Of Being Among The Greatest (Part 3)

Amiga better than a PC or a Mac? Probably. (Part 3)

ASM course

Z-Buffering and many more!

BLITZ Course

A bit of physics and orbitals.

Amiga E Course

OOP basys and its Amiga E implementations (Part 2)

LightWave Tutorial

Join 3D and 2D gfx!

What We Have Asked to VIScorp

Our requests to what we'll see implemented in new Amiga machines.

Font Machine

Creating Fonts 's never been so much fun (and professional)!


All material of this magazine is placed into Public Domain, so you can download: graphics and sources and use them into your own games and programs!!!

Anyway, articles are (C)Copyright Amiga Blast!