Amiga Blast Magazine #3
Welcome to the third issue of Amiga Blast.
Sorry, for the delay... ;)
In this number you'll find a lots of news... many other will follow soon!
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Now Browse the Magazine.
- Amiga, the Phoenix
- Amiga better than a PC or a Mac? Probably. (Part 3)
- Z-Buffering and many more!
- A bit of physics and orbitals.
- OOP basys and its Amiga E implementations (Part 2)
- Join 3D and 2D gfx!
- Our requests to what we'll see implemented in new Amiga machines.
- Creating Fonts 's never been so much fun (and professional)!
All material of this magazine is placed into Public Domain, so you can
download: graphics and sources and use them into your own games and
Anyway, articles are (C)Copyright Amiga Blast!