What We Have Asked To VIScorp
New OS features :
* Improve camd.library so it can be a valid and solid tool for
developing midi apps.
* Create and implement a library to create font sensitive,
resizable GUIs (such as MUI, BGUI, Triton and so on).
This could avoid the proliferation of thousands of different libs
for this scope. I want not see the day when I was forced to load up
four different libs for four different programs.
* Implement a Virtual Memory Manager into OS. So every user can use
bigger programs than its system is capable of.
(This should avoid proliferation of different programs such as VMM,
GigaMem and so on...)
* We want NET support : local, ethernet and Internet support all
by our own OS. It should be not a very big problem, and should
increase dramatically productivity (we should not thing to Amiga
as a "stand alone" computer anymore : it should be seen as a
powerful tool for multimedia developing. As it has always been.)
* Create some "easy-to-use" libs : for example, I have never used
camd.library for creating a little proggy to play midi,
because it misses some commands such as :
struct midi * midih= camd_OpenMIDIFile (APTR filename)
to simply load up a midi file and :
BOOL result = camd_PlayMidi(struct midi * midih)
BOOL result = camd_StopMidi(struct midi * midih)
to play and stop a midi file.
We need EASY and FAST libs to develop easy programs or
just programs that has a simple implementation of some features.
* Create a ILBM.library to load and save IFF pictures, with async I/O.
This should avoid bad-written proggies which do not load up
some particular IFF pics. Also an anim.library should be appreciated.
* Better OOP and BOOPSI support. Create an easy and comfy way to talk
to objects in Amiga OS, and try to implement as object as many part
of the OS as possible. We are talking of a '96/'97 computer :
and we MUST be the future.
* Implement AVI, QuickTime and something like that as datatypes.
* Power up Datatypes so they can handle up to 24Bit graphics.
* Power up BOOPSI gadgets. New gadgets = more power and better interfaces.
* System support for streamers, scanners and so on.
Hardware :
* Get rid of 68EC0x0 processors : use just FULL featured processors.
Get rid of 68020, we need a 68030 base machine with FPU and MMU.
This should be the base and nothing less powerful.
* At least 4Mb of RAM is needed. 2MB of chip and 2MB of fast.
A stock A1200, now, is just useful for games.
But Amiga is not a game machine anymore
(it's never been, in my opinion).
* Please, just HD floppies.
* Consider a built-in SCSI2 interface also.
* Keep on custom gfx-chips development : no stuck up with gfx-cards,
because they are all PC gfx-chip based, which means :
VGA resolution (ie. Not genlockable, no TV-set compatible and so on)
* On the other way, go on developing RTG technology.
* Extend Chip Ram to 16MB (at least).
Consider also a faster chip ram access.
* Extend Audio chip to 16bit.
* The new gfx chip should be : chunky, planar and also hybrid.
Should be 24 or 32bit (a 32Bit chip should give us also
a very powerful alpha channel) and MUST be faster and faster
in blitting (almost 10/20 times faster)
* Increase hardware sprite from 8 to 32 minimum,
increase width from 64 (AGA) to 128/256 pixels,
increase colors from 4 to 8 or 16.
* Better dual-playfield with 32 + 32 colors and up
(ideal should be 128 + 128 or 256+256, but also 32 + 32
would be nice)
Developer Support:
Share as many infos as possible : why don't you create a CD-ROM
containing all infos about Amiga OS and hardware.
For example devcon, OS3.1/OS3.2 includes and autodocs.
All CATS docs... everything that can help hardware and software
developers developing.