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Setup Forms Preferences

This preference lets you setup default forms for compose new message and reply to a message.
The forms are kept in your Users directory under drawer called Forms. The users directory is specified in the Path Preference.

Save As - Saves a new preference file.
Save Default - Saves the current setting as a default. Air Mail loads this preference on startup.
Load - Loads new preference file.
Use - It uses the current settings, but will not save the preference to disk.
Cancel - Cancels current changes.

If these fields are left blank then a forms selection window is display when ever you compose a new message.

[ SMPT/POP Prefs ] [ Path Prefs ] [ Options Prefs ] [ Misc. ] [ Hotkeys ] [ Forms] [ Editor ]

Last Update Mar 5, 1997
HTML Docs by Danny Y. Wong & Frank L. Wong
Copyright © 1996-97 Toysoft Development Inc.
All rights reserved.

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