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Setup Editor Preferences

The Editor preference lets set the attributes to the Internal textfield gadget.

Font: - Sets the font to use for the editor. If this is changed it will not take affect until you quit Air Mail and then restart it again.

Cursor Blink Rate: - Set the blinking rate for the cursor. Setting it to 0 means no blink.

Tab Spaces: - Set the spaces for the TAB. If this is none zero then you can not use the TAB key to tab to the next gadget.

Spacing: - Sets the amount of spaces between each line. This is in pixels.

Border: - Set the border to the textfield gadget.

Block Cursor: - If you want the cursor to be block then check it.

Ruled Paper: - If selected the paper will have lines.

Save As - Saves a new preference file.
Save Default - Saves the current setting as a default. Air Mail loads this preference on startup.
Load - Loads new preference file.
Use - It uses the current settings, but will not save the preference to disk.
Cancel - Cancels current changes.

[ SMPT/POP Prefs ] [ Path Prefs ] [ Options Prefs ] [ Misc. ] [ Hotkeys ] [ Forms ] [ Editor ]

Last Update Mar 5, 1997
HTML Docs by Danny Y. Wong & Frank L. Wong
Copyright © 1996-97 Toysoft Development Inc.
All rights reserved.