My favorites are Animal reign, Eden377 and SureShot. The most difficult to draw
was unhesitatingly SureShot! It tooke me about 2 months of very hard work, I started
this picture in summer 1996 (the left part), and finished it in the beggining of 1997.
Being an active scener for some time now, you must have seen a lot of
pics made by other graphicians.Who is your favourite graphician and why?
My favorite, and technical master is RA; He has an unique and unbeliveable style, a
perfect technique and wonderful colors. It's a pitty that he stopped doing pictures
nowdays. But, to be honest, I must say that UNO, HOF, JOACHIM and ELECTRON are
one of the best graphicians of the scene, I love them!
Yeah, I like them too.Tell me about the new slideshow, called ARTCORE II.When is it
going to be released?
We are designing it at this time...For this second issue of ArtCORE I invited
great graphicians of the demoscene, like DANNY, DESTOP, ELECTRON, TITAN and
GELMIR to join me in the art gallery. I hope it'll be ready for September on Amiga
and PC.