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handle: Laurent KempŽ
group: none
e mail: lkempe@nucleus.fr
URL: http://www.assisi.fr/users/~lkempe/
comment: It's so funny to have a look to those
crazy pics !!! Take a look at my pink pig on my pages ;-D
handle: Made
group: BoMB
URL: none
comment: Watch out for the forthcommin kickass blasting new slideshow called :
Available diz summer 97 on PC & AMIGA....
handle: Andrew Lynn (Victim)
group: Euphoric Deceptions
e mail: victim@bentdesing.com
URL: http://www.bentdesign.com/euphoric/
comment: I think this site is really cool and a good idea! =)
handle: Newt
group: Abyss
e mail: Njut@freenet.hut.fi
URL: none
comment: Ahh.. so now I'm here, this place looks pretty cool, guess I'll be visiting it quite often
handle: Jan Kronh¿j Larsen
group: Amiga Advis
e mail: AmigaAdvis@vestnet.dk
URL: none
comment: Det ser jo ganske fornuftig ud
handle: TBM
group: ex. X-Trade, Freezers, LED, Basement, Pro^Arts, etc.
e mail: stefpet@algonet.se
URL: http://www.algonet.se/~stefpet/
comment: Really great that you're bringing out the scene gfx on internet for those who maybe havn't heard of aminet (non amiga users). Great job, keep it up!
handle: Tobias Jansson
group: Citron. & Peek
e mail: toj@one.se
URL: http://users.one.se/toj
comment: Good and functional site. Great work!
handle: Peeri
group: ECL sf
e mail: manu@hit.fi
URL: http://www.hit.fi/manu
comment: Cheer, A texture library could be useful.
handle: tUKAN
group: parallax
e mail: ekytomaa@cc.helsinki.fi
URL: none
comment: hi mama
handle: GFX-Twins
group: Scoopex
e mail: skotnik@quantum.de
URL: none
handle: WaRD
e mail: t_mort@ludens.elte.hu
URL: http://www.automex.com/enlightenment
comment: Everything is rulez, but:
I think that there should be more gfxes from different graphicians on this site.
And there will be a big computer party in Hungary, called RAGE 97 with much more different gfx competitions : wild gfx, pixel gfx, paint gfx, Rage logo, etc.
handle: mAtARAZZo
group: Grasshoppers, Development
e mail: fregor@algonet.se
URL: http://www.automex.com/enlightenment
comment: Ahh... Nice work this site, LIKE IT A LOT, as AJim Carrie would have said it.
handle: ts
group: teklordz
e mail: fregor@algonet.se
URL: http://www2.hawaii.edu/~myee
comment: heh, big ups to made * bomb & teklordz... hi made. :)
also, nice design, and good content... will this page ever rival the Raw page? ;>
handle: Crusader
group: HF/LFC/CBK/M'S
e mail: fregor@algonet.se
URL: http://www2.hawaii.edu/~myee
comment: Nice pages with cool gfx, especially the pics which arent copied are real cool!
handle: violator
group: flare tDM
e mail: lars.djerf@mailbox.swipnet.se
URL: http://www2.hawaii.edu/~myee
comment: yeah....nice page...
Fviolator flare
handle: MRK
group: SBS/SSP/LED/
e mail: mrk@ssp.campus.luth.se
comment: Humm nice place.. Room for a A lot of improvements though..
handle: CirBre
group: DiGNiTY
e mail: cirbre@sci.fi
URL: http://www.sci.fi/~cirbre/
To put it mildly:
Probably the best scenegraphics-site I've found this far, and I've been looking for such for a long time...
handle: Mir
group: Beam^Nocturnal^Jazz
e mail: mir@gim.net
URL: http://www.geocities.com/soho/1380
comment: Nice homepage! Maybe though a bit too much
Photoshop- and 3D-graphics to be called a
real scene-gfx-page. >:)
See yo on irc (#beam, #linux, #scene.se)
handle: Pink
group: abYSs
e mail: Manfred.Linzner@munich.netsurf.de
URL: www.pink.home.ml.org
What a great idea. I hope this site
will stay forever on the net.
handle: Bartman
group: abYSs
e mail: bw005ns@munich.netsurf.de
URL: http://abyss.home.ml.org
comment: cool site! superb galleries...
only the background image suxx on 800x600!
handle: KoCaine
group: TMX
e mail: kocaine@usa.net
comment: Hey ya guys,
when I got the advertising email of this site I thought: "well, let's have a look" and I have to say that this site has a fantastic design and a cool content. =)
BTW we're still searching for some cool gfx artists for some cd-covers (mainly virtual (included in the archive of a song) and maybe soon for real cd's) as we're only composers and just have two photoshop artists.
thanx, KC' /german organizer of the international music group TMX
handle: PJ Dynamix
group: Comic Pirates
e mail: pj@scene-central.com
comment: One of the most stylish site, I've ever seen! Congrats! ;)
handle: Vampire
group: Blasphemy
e mail: lat@tdk.dk
comment: Xtremely kewl page, might be sending some pics soon...
GreetZ: The rest of -Blasphemy-
+all other kewl scenerz..!)
handle: Slyde
group: Blasphemy
e mail: kaspard@hotmail.com
comment: I think I will be doing everyone a favour by not uploading any of my pics. :)
Better keep coding...
handle: Devilstar
group: virtual dreams-flt/polka b/psg
e mail: eskildsen@ite.dk
URL: notyet
comment: Nice place, but sad not so see any of my pics.
here! (as I startet the whole "NOT A COPY" deal)
handle: Leunam
group: Network
e mail: network@redestb.es
Greeeeeeeeeeeat Work
I liked a lot the web... a lot of interesting stuff... continue with this great work cya leunam network&c
handle: Pix
group: Subspace
e mail: tees.vardafjell-vgs@rogaland-f.kommune.no
Very nice page ;)
Look out for new kOOL subspace prods! :)
hi2: visitor.fndr.kuu.jazz.mrk.infant
bah... see you all on irc :)
handle: TeASy
group: Sympathy
e mail: TeASy@vegadome
URL: http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/8105
comment: cool page guys!!
Try to get in The CLub - enjoy our soon coming
Music Compo in this network!
handle: LowTek
e mail: LowTek@FACTORY.DBN.DE
URL: none
comment: Hi everybody...
aMIGa will NEVER Die
support your local Mailbox an of coz COOL SITES LIKE THIS ONE
ciao LowTek the choice of quality CoSys Fiction Factory
handle: RYAN
e mail: none
URL: none
comment: THIS IS A GREAT PLACE 8-)
handle: Dr. Dreyer
group: Blasphemy
e mail: dr_dreyer@hotmail.com
URL: none
comment: What a very nice page this is! One of the best I've seen.
handle: FloOd
group: Noice
e mail: floood@hotmail.com, flood@noice.org
URL: fttp://hem1.passagen.se/jofl2154/
comment: Visit my homepage ( a lot of graphics by me and a lot of art-related links !)
Just klick and away you go!!!
handle: Prayer
group: CyBer dReAmS
e mail: /
comment: :It's looking nice
handle: Optic
group: TRSI
e mail: n/a
URL: n/a
comment: Must say, you've got a bloody marvelous site going here. Keep it up!
handle: Desdemona
group: Independent
e mail: n/a
URL: n/a
comment: Var har intervjun med Prowler tagit vŠgen? SŒdana begŒvade snyggingar gšr att fler kvinnor besšker denna sidan :D
handle: Typhoon
group: Gods
e mail: u965137@studbo.hit.no
comment: :An absolutely GRAT site!!!!!!!
A graphicians dream...
Keep up the good work, pal!
handle: Galahad
group: Dream Frontiers
e mail: galahad@msc.co.za
comment: :
handle: Creation Unknown
group: Sessions
e mail: cu@vortex.is
URL: none
comment: I like this site and I visit it a lot.
U get ***from me.=)
handle: DNA Groove
group: Embryo
e mail: dnagroove@hotmail.com
URL: none
wonderful concept and well built... yet... not well enough appearently.Some options still don't work since my last check.Some of the links are misled.and so on... at a wider look, it's a great site with great graphics. :)
handle: Germic
group: Subject
e mail: germic@ts.umu.se
URL: none
comment: This is a great site!
handle: tmk
group: INF
e mail: tmk@earthling.net
URL: dont remember, but its with .no
comment: ararara... korewa tanoshi yo. anone, ore no ratinguwa hidoi dakara chotto taskete ne. :P
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