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Saturday 16 May 1998 Previous News 2 Next


Toon Boss Sings From The Same Old Hymn Sheet

THERE are some jobs in sport which make banging your head against a brick wall seem pleasant by comparison. For years interviewers probing Lester Piggott would have got more out of his horse. And nobody ever knew whether you would get a kiss or a cuff from Brian Clough. But when it comes to talking about tomorrow's FA Cup Final, it would be easier to get past Arsenal's celebrated back four than the guard of Kenny Dalglish.
What would be the key area in Newcastle's clash with Arsenal on Saturday, Dalglish was asked at his FA Cup news conference? The little rectangle with white lines around it, he replied, in what was presumably an attempt at Glaswegian humour - though even Billy Connolly, you suspect, would not have recognised it as such. How did he view champions Arsenal? We're the form team at the moment, we've won one and lost one, they've lost two. Was he happy at Newcastle? I prefer Wembley. I can't see any relevance in that question.
Poker-faced yet polite, relaxed but guarded, open to questions yet shut to any meaningful insight. In terms of the charm offensive launched by Newcastle to try and repair the damage done by a season which has been one long public relations nightmare, it was an opportunity lost. But then Dalglish is a man who deals in results rather than rhetoric and he knows that there is no better way to charm the fans than to return the FA Cup to St James' Park for the first time since 1955. Kevin Keegan spent £60m trying to bring a trophy back to Tyneside and failed, despite five unforgettable years of exhilarating, entertaining football. After 15 months at St James' Park, during which magnetism has been sacrificed for pragmatism, Dalglish stands on the verge of lifting the most romantic trophy in the English game.
It's a paradox not lost on Newcastle chairman Sir John Hall: ''Kevin was a revolutionary. He came back into the game with an open mind and tried to play football when the game wasn't ready for the kind of football he wanted to play. Now Kenny's getting it right. Our PR hasn't been good and we've got to get back to the people. The big prize this season was staying in the Premier League, but never underestimate this club; we fight best when we are down. It would be a tremendous tribute to the fans if we could lift the cup."
While Dalglish also knows the importance of the result for the fans, naturally his primary concern is for his players. ''It's not the team you pick you worry about, it's the ones who are left out, he said, admitting he was still agonising over his final team selection. Lots of players have made a contribution to the cup run and my biggest disappointment is having to leave someone out of a cup final.''
Win or lose tomorrow, Newcastle are guaranteed a place in the Cup Winners' Cup next season, with champions Arsenal going into the Champions League. We've got into Europe because we deserve to get into Europe, Kenny straight-batted. "On that front, this season has been a success. We have also got to the sixth round of the Coca-Cola Cup and the FA Cup Final. And while the biggest scrutiny is always on the League there have been times this season when our success has been dismissed. I don't think people have been honest enough to give the players credit for other tournaments.
As for Arsenal, Dalglish is respectful but quietly confident: They'll be the favourites with the bookies, but the bookies paid out early on Manchester United this season so we won't be taking any notice of that. Arsenal can't have too many deficiencies if they won the League championship, but it doesn't mean they can't be beaten.
It wasn't exactly a rousing, wear-your-heart-on-your-sleeve battle cry in the mould of Keegan. But it was the way of Dalglish the winner.


365's Stats by our friends at Carling Opta
WHILE David Batty and Patrick Vieira wage their own private war on the Wembley pitch today, there will equally be no quarter asked or given by either Rob Lee and Manu Petit standing alongside them. While the England midfielder's form has been patchy this season, Petit has been in stunning form after an early period of adjustment to the English game, and the middle of the park will be where the heat of battle is most intense.
''I think we are both strong throughout the teams, and especially strong through the middle, says Lee. From goalkeeper to centre forward we're packed with quality and I think it's going to mean a great game for the spectators. Petit and Viera are two very fine players, but we're aiming to come out on top in that particular battle. It's going to be tough, though.''
The statistics might surprise those who've pegged the flambouyant-looking Frenchman as the more flair-orientated of the two players. Lee has actually scored more goals, had more shots and has a higher pass completion rate than the former Monaco man. But possibly even more surprising is the fact that defensively, Petit has a better rate of tackling than Lee and has made a massive 91 clearances to Lee's 37!
So is it only the Frenchman's long hair that's conned us into thinking he's no grafter, then?

                       Lee   Petit

Minutes On Pitch 2435 2722
Goals 4 2
Shots On Target 14 10
Shots Off Target 32 25
Blocked Shots 12 5
Goal Assists 2 4
Total Passes 1196 1653
Pass Completion % 85% 81%
Total Crosses 39 11
Cross Completion % 49% 27%
Dribbles & Runs 74 111
Dribble Completion % 84% 79%
Tackles Made 135 213
Tackles Won % 67% 74%
Blocks 10 12
Clearances 37 91
Interceptions 30 54
Fouls 41 77
Offside 5 2
Yellow Cards 3 8
Red Cards 0 1


NEWCASTLE goalkeeper Shay Given is hoping to banish the memory of the worst moment of his career when he faces Arsenal in today's FA Cup Final.
The Republic of Ireland star still blushes when he recalls the November game when Coventry striker Dion Dublin outfoxed him to score one of the most bizarre goals of the season - with the incident made worse as the match was beamed live all over the world. Given was set to punt the ball upfield and rolled it in front of him ready to strike, but Dublin - who was out of play and obviously out of sight - suddenly stole round the back to stroke home one of the easiest goals of his life.
Probably no goal has been played more often on video as that one, claimed Given. In fact, probably as many people have seen that as will watch the final throughout the world today. But at least I did all the other goalkeepers a big favour - I've learned from what happened that day, so have a lot of other keepers. And I'm determined that the world will see me at my best today."


NEWCASTLE chairman Sir John Hall has looked to the club's legendary Cup tradition as United aim to land the FA Cup for the seventh time, while dismissing this season as nothing but a blip .
''I'm very excited and very nervous,'' he said. ''The FA Cup has tremendous history and tradition. We had a great time in the 1950s and there's no reason why it can't happen again. It's necessary to spread our name throughout the world because we are a brand name and we've got to put across to the masses that we have a great team. Forget about the season, we'll look at it in retrospect and say it was just a blip on the gradual progression of the club. We are a great club and we have a tremendous future. Hall then went on to praise Newcastle's fans, the Toon Army: The great thing about this club is that it has tremendously loyal support. I hope they get their reward and that we win the cup, the team brings it back and we parade it around the streets.''
The fans, however, are more concerned that disgraced former directors Freddie Shepherd and John Hall do not get to share in the club's big day. ''We hear on the grapevine that Shepherd will not be at the final, but that Douglas Hall may be planning to attend, said John Regan, spokesman for the Independent Newcastle Supporters' Association. Frankly, they shouldn't even think about being there after what happened earlier in the season.

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