The Lair! Internet Magazine. Issue II

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Wise Man
.About The Lair! .The Web-Master
.Letters .I need your help!
.Advertisements .Guest-Book ...
.Greetings! .Forum
.Media Link .Coming Soon: Hot Hardware
.DarkBlue's PGP Key .Back Issues
.Useful Links .Recommended Sites

.The ARise Initiative
.Back to Personal Computing - Carl Sassenrath
.Review: Voyager-NG (v2.10)
.An Introduction to HawkFTP
.Exclusive: An interview with Paul Carrington BA, Vulcan Software Ltd.
.Video-Conferencing Comes to the Amiga!

.Famous Visitors to The Lair!
.Coming Soon: The Internet Web-Sites of Excellence.

Curiosity of the Month!

A taxi driver in Athens (Greece) was surprised when a passenger gave him his own address as the destination. The bemused cabbie remained silent and drove to his own house, whereupon the passenger paid, got out, and entered the house with a key. Following him inside, he discovered the passenger having sex with his wife.

Reported by: Focus magazine, March 1997.