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First things first ... The WWW is vast! It is mind-numbingly large, in the same way that
considering a single atom and its place in the rest of the universe is mind-numbing! You simply
cannot comprehend the sheer vastness of it all. Estimates as to the number of computers on the
Internet vary widely, but you need only know that there are lots of them. On each server, there
could be any number of www-pages! The result of all this is that the number of www-pages
available to you is about infinity-3, now there's a big number! Therefore, it seems appropriate
that, in order to make this page useful to you, I include a search-engine. I have chosen
Savvy Search as it is probably the best of its type on the web - because it uses all the others!
Submit a request here and it will automatically contract a selection of search-engines and collate
the results. Now that's power! |
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Anyone who's serious about their Amiga should check out The Lair!'s sister site,
AmigaWorld. This developing site offers much for programmers and other
"power" users. Includes the priceless "Version Watch" page for keeping up to date with your favourite programs.
AmigaWorld has much planned for it and is set for major improvements in the future, include support for many
"must have" software packages. Visit regularly to keep up-to-date!
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Moving onwards, I would have included links to every available Amiga-resource on these pages, so as
to make them accessible to all. I would have, but there's no need - 'cause someone else has already
done it! So put your hands together folks and let's have a round of applause for the maintainers of
the most comprehensive Amiga-dedicated site on Earth ... The Amiga Web Directory!
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Supposing you need to send an important e-mail, to a friend or, perhaps more urgently,
to a colleague or business associate... You write the mail, then shiver with horror as you realise that
you've forgotten their e-mail address!
What you need now is the Internet's equivalent of a telephone directory - Enter Bigfoot,
a search-engine for e-mail addresses.
Don't forget to enter your own details here, then you will be added to the Big Book and your friends (if you have any) will be able
to locate you more easily!
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The British are well-known for being perhaps those people of the world most fascinated with
the weather! No matter where we are or what we are doing, the weather will often feature in any conversation.
We make statements which, to anyone else, are extremely obvious and don't really require comment, such as,
"It's warm today!" :-) Upholding this tradition, I have decided to include a link to the "Meteorological Office" of the United Kingdom. Here you can find out all about the weather in good old England. There's European weather too and links to other weather pages elsewhere. Have fun - and don't forget your umbrella! |