All About DarkBlue ...


I am 27 years-old, married to Caroline and we have a daughter, Samantha. Another, unborn child is on the way!

I became involved in the wonderful world of computing in 1981, when I bought a Sinclair / Timex ZX81 kit (Remember them?) I bought it mainly because of my interest in electronics - it seemed like the ultimate project, to build a computer of my very own, back then computers were only seen in S/F movies!

Well I assembled the '81 (not as hard as you might think) and began to experiment with it. Over the next year or so, I familiarised myself with BASIC programming and became totally hooked with this (then obscure) hobby.

Over the next couple of years, I became increasingly fascinated by this expanding field and bought a variety of machines:

Research Machines 380Z;
Acorn Electron;
Atari 800XL;
Atari 520ST (one of the first 50 in the UK);
Atari 1040STFM;
Commodore Amiga A500+;
Commodore Amiga A1200.

So here I am now, still running my beloved A1200 when all around me are migrating, like lemmings, to the IBM-PC clone! I have expanded my machine considerably to include the following:

Blizzard 1230-III @ 50MHz, MMU;
RAM: 2Mb (Graphics), 16Mb (Fast);
WD "Caviar" HD @ 540Mb;
"Squirrel" SCSI;
Aiwa ACD-300 CD-ROM;
Microvitec 1438, multi-scanning monitor;
V34, 28.8K Modem;
200W PSU;
NEC Pinwriter P2200 printer;
External FD;
Amplifier and Speakers for mind-blowing audio :-)

Just around the corner is phase 5's "A\Box" and Quikpak's DEC Alpha-based compatibles and I'll be upgrading to one of these highly-capable work-stations when they're released (hopefully later this year).

The main use my computer is put to is for electronic communications, affectionately known as "Comm's" to its friends. I also indulge my passion for exploring operating systems with the Amiga's unique ability to emulate just about any other platform around (Message to Programmers: Still waiting for that Silicon Graphics Indigo II emulator guys, how about it?) :-)

Apart from an acute lust for computers, I also enjoy reading (mainly a good espionage novel), movies, watersports (or any other involving high speeds!), music.

I have an obsessive attraction to high-performance motorcycles and would like to ride every "super-bike" upon its release!

I can be found on IRC using the server at: Address, Port -7000 on #FCI. I participate under the nickname of "DarkBlue" and I am usually on-line at weekends any time from 19:00hrs (GMT) onwards.

Well, that just about summarises myself! If you would like to know more, or want to offer me a job or something then Mail Me!