Quick Index

  Main Menu
  Setup Preferences
  Address Book
  Compose New Mail
  In Mail Box
  Out Mail Box
  Check for New Mail
  Create a Signature
  Setup Tags
  Setup Filters

Misc. Features   Localization
  Mail Queuing
  Safe Tips

Problems/Solutions   Problem/Solutions

Setup Miscellaneous Preferences

Public Screen: This is the name of a Public Screen that you want Air Mail to open it's window on.

Eg: VArts for Visual Arts

Check Mail Every Minute: Check on the check box and enter the time in minutes you want Air Mail to check for mails on the server. Air Mail must be running in order for this to work.

Include Tag: If checked this will add a random tag line to the end of your mail. This is like a signature but only one line of text.

Surpress Requester: If checked this will not display the requester when AirMail is asking for user confirmation such as deleting a mail.

File Decoding: There are three choices.

  • 1. NONE - Do not encode the files just include it as is
  • 2. UUEncode - Use uuencode program
  • 3. MIME - Use MIME
  • 4. PGP - Use Pretty Good Privacy (not yet suppported)
  • Mail Sort On: Sort all messages in the following order:

  • 1. Name
  • 2. Date
  • 3. Subject
  • Language: Select a langauge for localization.

    Save As - Saves a new preference file.
    Save Default - Saves the current setting as a default. Air Mail loads this preference on startup.
    Load - Loads new preference file.
    Use - It uses the current settings, but will not save the preference to disk.
    Cancel - Cancels current changes.

    [ SMPT/POP Prefs ] [ Path Prefs ] [ Options Prefs ] [ Misc. ] [ Hotkeys ]

    Last Update Jan. 14, 1997
    HTML Docs by Danny Y. Wong & Frank L. Wong

    Copyright © 1996-97 Toysoft Development Inc.
    All rights reserved.