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Address Book

The Address Book lets you maintain user's real name, e-mail address and a comment.

User groups name may not include the @ character. This is how Air Mail tells if the name is a user or a group.

To create a new user

To create a new user group

  • 1. Click on the 'New Group' button. This will clear the listview.
  • 2. Click on a user from the available list and hold the left mouse button.
  • 3. Drag the user to the right listview and release the left mouse button.
  • 4. Click on the 'Save Group' to save the new group. Once the new group is save it will appear on the available list.
  • Buttons

    Save User - Saves the entire Address Book.
    New user - Adds new user to the Address Book.
    Edit - Edit the selected user from the 'Available Users' list view.
    Del User - Deletes the selected user from the 'Available Users' list view.
    New Group - Creates a new user group.
    Load Group - Load a new user group into the Address Book.
    Save Group - Saves the current users group.
    Cancel - Close Address Book.

    Last Update Jan. 14, 1997
    HTML Docs by Danny Y. Wong & Frank L. Wong
    Copyright © 1996-97 Toysoft Development Inc.
    All rights reserved.