Quick Index

  Main Menu
  Setup Preferences
  Address Book
  Compose New Mail
  In Mail Box
  Out Mail Box
  Check for New Mail
  Create a Signature
  Setup Tags
  Setup Filters

Misc. Features   Localization
  Mail Queuing
  Safe Tips

Problems/Solutions   Problem/Solutions


I like to thank the following people who made Air Mail possible.

Scott Ellise - for AmiPOP
Mathias Axelsson - for all the suggestions
David Seikel - edit the documentation for 2.2
Mark Thomas - for textfield.gadget. Copyright © 1995
Stefan Stuntz - for MUI (c) Copyright 1992-96

and to all current and x beta testers.

Last Update Jan. 14, 1997
HTML Docs by Danny Y. Wong & Frank L. Wong
Copyright © 1996-97 Toysoft Development Inc.
All rights reserved.