
Common Problems

Problem Cause Fix
OpaqueMove exits without appearing as a commodity. OpaqueMove detected an error during startup. This is usually caused by running on the wrong version of AmigaDos, or a missing shared library, or an error in allocating memory or system resources.
  • Insure that all the shared libraries mentioned in the requirements section are present on your system.
  • Insure that you are running at OS3.0 or greater
  • Insure that you have MUI properly installed
  • Insure that you have sufficient memory and system resources available.
Windows are still moved as outlines even with OpaqueMove installed. One common cause of this problem is using the wrong qualifier keys for window movement, or not grabbing the window in the required location. Also, insure that OpaqueMove is really running and is not disabled in the Commodities Exchange window.

OpaqueMove also uses certain internal tests to determine whether a given window may be moved opaquely. If any of these tests fail, the window will be moved as an outline. Most of the parameters used in the tests can be set from the OpaqueMove User Interface.

  • Use the proper qualifier keys or drag location.
  • Make sure OpaqueMove is not ignoring the window due to the preferences settings.
OpaqueMove appears to intercept all mouse clicks. Inproper settings of Drag Qualifier and Drag Location.
  • Change Drag (or Size) Qualifier and Location
Windows are moved too slowly. Opaque window movement demands trememdous system resources, and is only practical on the most high end systems, and even then, only in some circumstances. For a list of factors which influence movement speed, see Movement Speed.
  • Adjust the OpaqueMove preferences to reduce the circumstances in which windows are moved or sized opaquely.
  • Improve the speed of your hardware by adding a faster CPU or graphics card.
  • Use software such as the qlayers patch to improve the speed of Intuition
I encounter crashes while sizing or moving particular windows OpaqueMove generates a tremendously rapid stream of size or movement requests - faster than some programs are prepared to cope with the events. While most programs do fine, a few seem unable to cope with this rapid string of redraw requests. See Incompatibilities for more information.
  • Disabled OpaqueMove for the windows or screens in question.

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Bugs And Limits

Known bugs:

Known OpaqueMove Bugs
ProblemReported By
Layers locking during outline movement or drag is not functional. Steve Koren
The localization support is not yet entirely in place.
Non-qualified border dragging ignores gadgets. Joerg Kollmann

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Known (In)Compatibilities

Although OpaqueMove is a remarkably system-friendly program, Intuition was never designed to do what is being done here. Generally things work fine, but there are always a few problems, mostly with applications which cannot cope with such a rapid stream of redraw requests.

Note that some software may work OK or not work depending on the speed of your system. There seem to be timing dependencies in some code.

Known (In)Compatible Software
SoftwareDescriptionOpq Move? Opq Size? Reported ByOM Ver
Workbench Windows Non-Backdrop WB windows work fine. Yes Yes Steve Koren 2.0
CLI windows They work plain or running SKsh. However, some CLI-based apps will crash! See the TIN note below. Yes Yes
Workbench Utilities Preferences programs & other workbench utilities work fine. Most are not resizable windows, but all can be moved. Yes Yes
GNU Emacs 18.58.1 However, it buffers redraws and often keeps redrawing even after you stop moving the mouse. Yes Yes
Any MUI Application I haven't found one yet that won't work. YAM, the OpaqueMove UI itself, VMM, IBrowse, etc. Individial MUI applications will not be mentioned here unless there is some exception. Yes Yes
IBrowse However, it can be slow to resize, due to the complex nature of its internal layout. Some pages are faster than others. Yes Yes
FinalWriter Not only can you not move or size its windows opaquely, you cannot even use OpaqueMove with it at all unless you put FinalWriter's screen into the global deny list. So far this is the only app I've seen with this level of incompatibility. No No
Lightwave 4.x See the 1.1 note below. Problem fixed in OpaqueMove 2.0. Yes Yes
FinalCalc 1.05 Sizing works, but sometimes the most recent resize is not performed for some reason unless you again nudge the mouse. Note also that FinalCalc uses smart refresh windows, which can be very slow. Yes Partial
Amiga TIN When running in a CLI window. Movement is fine. Resizing is OK in some cases, but often crashes especially when the window gets small, for some reason. Yes No
ImageFX 2.x When running on 16 bit screens rapid redraw requests can cause a lockup. Note that this can happen even for other windows moving across the top of the ImageFX buffer, cause it to redraw. Best to put the ImageFX 16 bit screen in your move & size deny list. This problem does not seem to occur with ImageFX running in 8 or fewer bitplanes, such as with the workbench preview module. Partial Partial
Lightwave 4.x Although LW's windows cannot be resized or moved, OpaqueMove 1.x caused some doubleclick type problems that were fixed in OpaqueMove 2.0. No No 1.1

Updates and new information may be sent to me for inclusion in this compatibility matrix.

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