
Requirements for OpaqueMove 2.1
Requirement Description
68030 or greater CPU Since OpaqueMove is not practical on slow systems, it has been compiled for 68030 or greater CPU's and will not run on 68000 or 68020 based systems. A 68060 is best, and a 040 usually sufficient.
AmigaDos 3.0 or Greater OpaqueMove makes use of some features which are not present under AmigaDos 2.04.
MUI 3.6 or later OpaqueMove uses the MUI object library. MUI is the best UI technology on the Amiga, and perhaps on any platform.
AmigaDos Shared Libraries OpaqueMove requires the following AmigaDos shared libraries:
  • dos.library
  • locale.library
  • commodities.library
  • graphics.library
  • layers.library
  • intuition.library
  • utility.library
  • muimaster.library
  • iffparse.library
Fast graphics card Although not technically necessary, running AGA in any reasonable number of colors, such as 256, is unbearably slow and really not suited for OpaqueMove use. A graphics card is almost mandatory for acceptable performance with modern environments using 256 or more colors. A graphics card such as a CyberVision 64 or GVP Spectrum is suitable. Zorro-III is better than Zorro-II.

In addition, a fast CPU and graphics card are recommended. Opaque window movement, an especially opaque window sizing, requires very rapid window redraw speeds, and standard Intuition windows can only operate at these speeds using low bitplane depths, such as single or double plane screens. There is nothing in OpaqueMove which requires an accelerated graphics card and CPU, but it works much better with one. Furthermore, there are many other conditions which can create situations in which windows cannot be moved opaquely at acceptable speeds. OpaqueMove tries to allow control over when windows are and are not moved or sized opaquely.

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