Welcome to the Logo Gallery.Some of you may wonder what's the point of making a Logo gallery?Well, logos represent a very important aspect of every graphician drawing skills and a sense of design.In a way, logos are easier to create(then ordinary images), because there is no such a thing as, "bad proportions" or "unnatural usage of colors", etc.However, a great logo needs great design.There is no workaround.
This gallery, contains some of the best logos since the days of A500.Furthermore, both I and Goblin have decided to include only the images in which logos are clearly the main motive.
All images in the logo galleries are displayd in a chronological order(more or less).Which means that the gallery nr.1 will show you some of the old logos, while gallery nr.6 will display the new once.That way you will be able to see how the logo design had changed over the years.
It's easy to see, that in the early A500 days, the design was very linear with straight lines and sharp shapes.With time, graphicians begun expanding by breaking the barriers of the usual logo design.The linear design was replaced by more round, wild and unpredictable shapes.Today some logos are designed in a way, that makes one wonder whether it is a logo or some very abstract artistic expression.Anyway, here comes the gallery.Enjoy and get inspired!
Logo gallery - part 1
Logo gallery - part 2
Logo gallery - part 3
Logo gallery - part 4
Logo gallery - part 5
Logo gallery - part 6
More logos coming sooner or later, but they are coming! ;)
All images are copyright © by their original authors.