Danny gallery
Welcome to Danny's Gallery.As you may know Danny is considered as one of the best scene graphicians.
He have been involved in the scene since the days of A500, and still uses his Amiga to create graphics.
This gallery contains some of his work(However, most if not all of his images are redraws and/or copies of other artists work).
The small image icons are all put in a special sequence, in order to show how Dannys drawing skills improved over the years.In the table below the imagemap, you can see when he made the images.
All images were selected and provided by the author.Enjoy!
nr. | image | created in |
1 | Kingdom of the Knights | 1992 |
2 | Lovelocks | 1992 |
3 | Pegasus&Persues | 1992 |
4 | Quite Unusual | 1992 |
5 | Transman of Gor | 1993 |
6 | Winter Queen | 1993 |
7 | In Bloom | 1994 |
8 | Kalinda | 1995 |
9 | Little man | 1995 |
10 | Sih Tower | 1995 |
11 | Spacetits | 1995 |
12 | Sunburst | 1995 |
13 | Sky Travellers | 1995 |
14 | Heart over Breasts | 1996 |
15 | Wild Impression | 1996 |
16 | Full Blown | 1996 |
17 | Angelic Particles | 1997 |
18 | Marsdonna | 1997 |
All images are copyright © by their original authors.