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cdcc clone

Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts

Title: cdcc clone 1.8

Format: Win OS

Description: Typical CDCC script with dialog interface that allows you to add/remove/move around the files in your list as needed. Has slots/queue options. Only offers in a single channel. There isn't much documentation for this addon. There are two files with various information on the script/credits or what not, including installation instructions. But they have unconventional extensions, which may be confusing to the newbie user. In addition, there is no description of what the addon actually does, which could be even more confusing to the newbie user. ;) The script can be accessed through the channel popups, which allows you to turn it on/off, set your files, etc. The dialog is easy enough to use but there are a few points that could be improved. The addon allows you to add the same file as many times as you want ... there should be some kind of error checking IMO. In addition, you cannot add filenames with spaces in there since it won't be able to send. That's a bug that should be fixed. The coding is

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chr conversion

Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts

Title: chr conversion 1

Format: Win OS

Description: An addon that is made for users who want to be able to convert characters into there ASCII number counterpart. I liked this addon, it was a nice idea. The cool thing is, if you use a space, it will return chr 32; you don't see that much in these converters. I also thought that the error checker was cool, too. The text box is rather large, and allows more than 1 character; just a small thing, not really anything that matters, seein as how it doesn't cause an error. I threw everything I could in order to cause an error at this addon, but I could not fault it. I have a complaint with the addon saving the variables and also not being able to unload (which can be used to remove those variables once the addon is done). The nice thing would be to unset the variables when the dialog closes, or better yet use /var for them (since they are temporary). There is not much to comment on; the only addition I could see here would be something that could convert the number into ASCII as well. Kinda like a BIN2

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clone scan on-join

Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts

Title: clone scan on-join 1

Format: Win OS

Description: Addon that detects clones when they join the channel. It will notify you in the channel window with a colour scheme of your choice and an event beep (if you want it to). There isn't any documentation included with this addon, simply the *.mrc file itself. There are some comments inside the script, allowing you to modify various settings. The author takes care to point out some of the identifiers that you can *not* modify (or else the script wouldn't work). The script itself is fairly easy to use. On LOAD, you get some echos, giving you the alias commands to configure the script. As mentioned before, you get to choose the colour scheme and also if there's going to be an event beep or not. The alias commands are not necessarily easy to remember and the echos only display with the On LOAD. I think that the author should have added some popup menu along with the addon. The script works well enough except for the fact that it relies on your IAL and yet doesn't update the IAL whenever you first join

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dEfCoN Simple Away

Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts

Title: dEfCoN Simple Away 1

Format: Win OS

Description: A *simple* Away addon that allows you to set an away msg, an away nickname and whether or not you want to msg channels to let them know that you are away. Documentation was provided; it gave some useful information on how to load and unload the addon and a few bits and pieces about the addon itself. Not much to comment on in the first place, so the documentation is okay :-) The addon lacks a bunch of features, but I guess that's expected with a name like *Simple Away*. This is very simple, so if you want a heap of options, don't look in this direction. There is error checking, however. You cannot notify channels of you being away if you aren't on any. Basic, but a lot of times RARE in an addon ;-) All in all, I guess it would be okay for those of you out there who need something short and sweet. Other than that, I wouldn't recommend it.

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Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts

Title: dalserv 4.1

Format: Win OS

Description: Addon that allows you to control your various NickServ, ChanServ and StatServ commands & settings through dialogs. This addon works with the new changes done to DALnet services. The package includes a nice readme file, giving the description of the script, installation instructions, possible problems that you may run into (because of DALnet services) and contact information. The script itself is very easy to use, thanks to neat dialog windows and the dynamic settings provided by the author. The windows help file has been removed from the package. The addon requires you to have your notify list on and to have nickserv/chanserv on the list. Unless you add them, the script won't do anything, so I had to do it manually. As before, this system may cause some interference with the way your own notify/watch scripts work, but that can't be helped. I didn't run into any major bugs. However, I suggest that the addon disable the appropriate for features for half-registered nicks. It already doesn't allow

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