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Help Noticer

Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts

Title: Help Noticer 0.03

Format: Win OS

Description: Addon script with popup menus intended for helpers. You can quickly write out your own topics along with the content for the topic in question. In the future, helping a user with this topic will only require "/h(elpout) nickname topic". The author wrote a nice readme file with setup instructions. While he stated that the file could be installed into any directory, that is not true. If it goes into any directory than the main mIRC one, the demo will not work since the *.bmp file is not loaded from the right location. While testing the script I didn't encounter any major problems. The script seems to work fine, messaging the channel with a note saying that you helped the user and noticing the actual user with the information. There could have been a bit more error checking though. For example, an error message will appear if you do not enter anything into the popup window asking you for a new topic & information. Unfortunately, it does not allow you to view the list of already existing topics, a

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Hot Key Editor

Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts

Title: Hot Key Editor 1

Format: Win OS

Description: Interesting little addon that allows you to add/modify/delete single line aliases for function keys (or function key combinations). The script contains a readme file with setup instructions and a small history on the script. Everything is relatively easy to use as the author permits you to modify all the aliases through a small dialog window. You have three radio button options where you can chose if the alias is only going to be with the function key, a shift key combination or a control key combination. The script works well enough, basically a user friendly way to use the /alias command and the $isalias () identifier. The author says that you can start the script by typing "/hotkeyed", which didn't work for me. The coding is good enough and presentable. A small note for the author: "if ($identifier/%variable)" works just as well as "if ($identifier/%variable == $true)".

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Hotmail Email Checker

Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts

Title: Hotmail Email Checker

Format: Win OS

Description: Addon that allows you to check your HotMail account for email. Note: Not read, but check. The author took the time to make a nice user interface via dialogs. You have a list of all hotmail accounts and on the side, the buttons to add new ones, delete some, login, logout, etc. When you first load the script, you get a little information on the script in the status window. However, there is practically no other documentation, which accounts of the loss of points. The script itself seems to work well. The author might want to build in a few more features such as an autodisconnect when your login has timed out. All the emails in your account will appear in a custom window. It might be better if the window were not a listbox and would wrap lines. On occasion, you cannot see all the information on the email because the window is not big enough. The coding is well done. There's the use of local aliases, tokens and obviously, sockets. The author may have chosen other variables names for easy unsetting

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ID2K-Port Sniffer

Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts

Title: ID2K-Port Sniffer 3

Format: Win OS

Description: A nice little addon that watches certain ports for connections/floods. Supports UDP & TCP watching. You must have all of the file unzipped into your main mIRC directory (uggh! :) ). Once unzipped, load this addon and watch the load event take off. The addon has quite a load of features, varying from: Connectivity List, Port managing, IP Tracking, Logging attempts, Port flood protection, and more! The readme is quite detailed about each feature. When you load this addon, though, you will get an error saying: * /dialog: 'id.fw' name in use (line 117, idsniffer.mrc). After that, setup everything as you will. Once you have your ports all setup to be watched, you can sit back, relax, and wait for a connection. I pretty much opened a socket to myself because I was bored of waiting :-). Immediately, I got this error: id.echo Unknown command. Keep in mind, my IP address *DID* appear in the list box that generates attempted connections (yay!). The coding is quite extensive and well written. I have 1 gr

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Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts

Title: IRCProxy 1

Format: Win OS

Description: IRCProxy is bnc type IRC redirection script. It uses mIRC sockets to allow users to connect to IRC servers through you. Other users can connect through you with a command like: /server 6999 . All communications with the IRC server go through you. From a listbox window you can view incoming and outgoing traffic between the users and the IRC server that they are connected to. You also can send fake server messages to the user and fake messages from the user to the server. These features I personally think are somewhat intrusive, but they are assumed risks when you are going to use someone's proxy server. The script is well scripted and the only bad point I found is that the interface is very rigid, for example the window which shows various information about the connections through you can not be kept closed. Also, the documentation for the script is through a not very obvious '/proxy help' command.

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