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Whats Your most Eagerly Awaited Game?
- Results so far. (16/10/97)
Well, the survey has been going for 3 weeks now and it's nearing 350 replies.
It's not a massive surprise that Foundation is winning, however the amount it
is winning by is surprising, it has 2½ times more votes then the game in
second place. Explorer 2260 has made a bit of a surge recently and is fast
catching up Myst for the second place slot. Lower down the list Forgotten
Forever is winning the fight of the Command & Conquer clones, however, I'm
sure there is time for this to change.
Game | Publisher | Release
Date | Current
Votes |
Foundation | Sadeness
Software | December | 95 |
Myst | Clickboom | December | 39
Explorer 2260 | Undecided | March '98 | 36
Forgotten Forever | Unknown | TBA | 22
Genetic Species | Vulcan | Late '97 | 15
Maim & Mangle | Undecided | Mid '98 | 13
OnEscapee | Sadeness Software | November | 12
Diversia | Undecided | TBA | 9
Hellpigs | Vulcan | Late '97 | 6
Gilbert Goodmate | Prelusion | TBA | 6
Shadow of the Third Moon | Blade Software | November |
5 |
Total Descruction 3D | ------- | Summer '98 |
5 |
Grand Prix Challange | Epic
Mark. | TBA | 3
Champ. Man. 2 Phoenix Olofight |
Various | Various |
3 |
Street Racer TFX Hard Target Trapped
2 Golum Uropa 2 | Various |
Various | 2 |
SpaceLander 3D Games Creator Blitz
Bombers The Child of Darkness Yokozuma Blade Gloom
3 Gnome Breed 2001 Demistar Desolate Wasted
Dreams Quake??? TFX | Various |
Various | 1 |
The list of games you'ld like to see will appear soon, there so varied that it's
taking a while to compile them. I'll just let you know that Monkey Island 3 is
currently winning. :)