Welcome to the

[Updated 12/03/96]
Welcome to the XTR Hall of Fame, this was created to give players of Silltunna's excellent game Xtreme Racing the chance to compare there best laptimes with other XTR'ers. This will hopefully give racers a new challenge of trying to beat other racers times, rules and instructions on how to play can be accessed by clicking here.
Please select one of the links below.
Current XTR Hall of Fame Players - A List showing the current XTR Hall of Fame Players
Latest Lap Times - The Latest Hall of Fame Laptimes
Latest League Table - The Latest League Table
Fastest laps - The fastest laps on each track
Download Laptimes file - Download the latest laptimes file
Extra XTR Tracks - Download some extra tracksfor XTR
Return to Main Index
Hey, why not check out a new XTR home page containing XTR info and downloadable tracks created with the editor. It really is quite smart :), to check it out click Here
This page was created and is updated by David Flaherty. The Hall of Fame is updated whenever new times are received. Any Email be it comments or new laptimes should be sent to