Amiga Blast Magazine #1

You are welcome to a new Amiga Magazine called Amiga Blast.

Here you will find monthly issues of programming tips and tools to create good games on our fabulous computer.

This is the first issue. In the next ones we hope you will contribute with sources, letters, comments, programs and anything you think may be useful.

(See How To Contribute )

Now navigate inside this magazine!.

Proud Of Being Among The Greatest (Part 1)

Amiga better than a PC or a Mac? Probably. (Part 1)


Do you wanna create a DOOM clone?

BLITZ Tutorial

How to attach an AppItem to the Tools menu.

Amiga E Tutorial

Let's create multiple GUI applications!

LightWave Tutorial

Do you wanna create AmigaBlast signs?

2D Gfx Tutorial

Create game tiles with graphics like Zelda, Dragon Stone and Chaos Engine.


All around the world letters to thanks AMIGA.

Internet Browsing

Desperately Seeking Erika (Eleniak) ...


All material on this magazine is to be considered Public Domain. You are free to use everything for your own games and programs!!

Articles are (C)Copyright Amiga Blast Magazine.