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News Round-Up

Saturday 09 May 1998 Previous News 7 Next

Just 32 Days To Go…


PETER SCHMEICHEL is writing off Denmark's World Cup chances before even taking a kick in anger. Advising punters to steer clear of the 50-1 long shots from Scandinavia, Manchester United's Great Dane appeared decidedly down-beat.
Now whether the normally, single-minded stubborn streak within Schmeichel's goalkeeping soul is suffering a confidence crisis following Arsenal's recent romp to the Championship, we know not. But it is not every day that the Old Trafford No 1 concedes defeat so easily.
Denmark winning the World Cup, if we believe Schmeichel, is about as likely as him not blaming his defence for one of his rare errors. The pessimistic view is based on the lack of depth within a squad still relying heavily on many of the stars - such as the Laudrup brothers, Michael and Brian - from their stunning European Championship triumph way back in 1992.
"The World Cup is an enormous tournament with many excellent teams. It will be very difficult for us to do well in France," confessed Schmeichel. "To even get into the second round stages will be incredibly hard.
"For us to do well, it will need every one of our players to be fit and at the top of their game. We have maybe 30 players to select from, compared with other countries such as England having as many as 100 players to pick from. It will require a tremendous effort for us to go all the way.
"I don't think the bookies' 50-1 price is wrong at all - and no, I wouldn't think it's worth having a tenner on us at those odds. I'd advise people to put it on Norway rather than us."


FAVOURITES Brazil have named the team that will begin the defence of their World Cup title on June 10, almost a month before opponents Scotland will announce their squad. Coach Mario Zagallo's intended side for the match at the Stade De France is: Taffarel, Cafu, Aldair, Junior Baiano, Roberto Carlos, Dunga, Cesar Sampaio, Giovanni, Rivaldo, Ronaldo, Romario.
The news left Scotland manager Craig Brown, who intends to wait until the June 2 deadline before revealing his chosen 22 players, startled and sceptical: I am not prepared to believe it until I get the teamsheet 90 minutes before the game.
Injuries might force Zagallo to make changes, of course. Flamengo striker Romario had to come off during Wednesday night's club match against Friburguense with a thigh injury. He has been ordered to rest the leg for 10 days but medical experts are confident he will be fully recovered in time to face the Scots.


IT'S been an arduous, crashing bore for almost every fan to arrange trips to France 98. In Britain, one way to avoid all the grief is to purchase a package holiday with tickets included, the only problems being that most are helter-skelter day trips and absurdly expensive.
It costs anything between £500 and £1,000 to touch down on Gallic soil, and you'll be there barely long enough to watch Glenn's boys let alone grabbing a bite to eat or downing a pint.
But Football365 can today reveal one country is putting our companies to shame - even taking into account the differences in economies. In Yugoslavia, it costs around £180 to book a nine-day stay in France, hotel included.
Admittedly a match ticket is an extra, but at face value - unlike those sold here by greedy touts, masquerading as official World Cup ticket distributors - there can be no complaints.


TOTTENHAM coach Christian Gross has called on England boss Glenn Hoddle to pick Darren Anderton and Les Ferdinand in his World Cup squad.
Both Spurs players have been troubled by injury for much of this season but are now firmly on the comeback trail - even if Sunday's game at home to Southampton is their last chance to impress at club level before the Finals.
However, they both played for England B in the recent friendly against Russia B at Loftus Road and are clearly in Hoddle's thoughts as he considers his final 22 for France.
Gross has been impressed by their recent form and said: ''I would certainly pick Darren for the World Cup if I were the England coach and I hope he gets in.
''He's a player who is going to simplify the game but, as well as playing it simple, he also has pace. His awareness on the pitch is exceptional and he is isn't selfish. I would also pick Les for England. He has great strength as well as a positive approach to the game and the competition.''

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