Yep, thats right! TFX is, at last available to the Amiga community. Subscibers to the English magazine CU Amiga recieved there copies this morning (Of which I am one). It should be available in the Uk from your local newsagent on Monday. As for you foriegn readers, well, unfortunalty your just going to have to wait for the magazine to arrive in your country. Obviously the game is not allowed to be distributed other then with CU Amiga.
TFX is one of the most eagerly awaited games ever. The follow-up to the excellent F-29 Retaliator was due in late 1993, but suffered delay after delay until Ocean finally announced that they had cancelled it a year or so ago. The game was nearly forgotten about until rumours that its release was again on the cards, a petition was even started to try and get Ocean to release it. Then CU Amiga became interested and after lots of talk between them and the programmer it was finally decided that the game would be given away with CU Amiga.
I'm sure many of you but now are wondering, is it any good? Well, I have only had a quick look at it but going by these first impressions, yes, it is good, very good infact. The GFX are amazing are easily the best seen in any Amiga flight simulator (The virtual cockpit has to be seen to be believed), as for the speed, well, playing in full detail on an 030/50mhz makes the game chug along a little slowly. I'd guess that with an 040 you would be able to play the game in full detail at a decent speed. The game will even run on a base A1200, however, the detail levels will have to be lowered considerably to achieve this.
The game is provided in three forms, a basic 68000 version, one optimised for FPU equiped Amigas and another for 68040+ users. The FPU and 040 versions are highly optimised to take advantage of the extra power provided.
Like I said the game is only available on the CD version of the magazine, floppy users need not worry though as CU Amiga have come up with an excellent idea so you don't feel left out. Once you have paid for the magazine, for the small sum of £3.50 (Plus 50p Postage) you will be able to get TFX on floppy disk (7 of them to be precise). It should be noted that stocks of the game are limited and will be given out on a first come first serve basis, so don't wait around.
I will be bringing you a review of TFX as soon as I have had more time to play around with it.