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New info & screenshots of Gilbert Goodmate

Gilbert Goodmate Screenshot Gilbert Goommate is a new adventure game from Prelusion. It is there current main project which also happens to be there first major one. The games full name is 'Gilbert Goodmate and the Mushroom of Phungoria'. It is still quite a way from release but already it is looking very good.

The story of the game goes something like this: Many years ago the land was saved from destruction by a brave hero who had the help of a hugh mushroom in killing the ecil wizard.

Nowadays the mushroom is kept in a museum, the citizens of the town take turn and guarding and looking after this mushroom. Every year a new citizen is elected to look after it in the mushroom festival.

For nearly a year it has been Gilberts grandfathers respocability to look after the mushroom, however, one week before the festival the mushroom is stolen. Everyone blames the grandfather for not being able to do his duty properly. The king throws him in jail and prepares to have him executed at the festival.

Gilbert Goodmate Screenshot

It is your job as Gilbert to find the mushroom before the festival so his grandfather can be saved.

Gilbert Goodmate Screenshot Hopefully this will turn out to be an excellent adrventure game to beat the likes of the Monkey Island series. Currently the machine requirements of the game are wuite low, al that is needed is an Amiga with 1Mb Chip RAM and a harddrive.

Hopefully I will have more news and screenshots in the future.

For more information about the authors and the game check out the Prelusion website at:-

Prelusion Homepage

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