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      F1GP-SaveEd V1.0 - A Save Game Editor for Formula One Grand Prix

                             © 1997 Mario Sarno

    Introduction         - An explanation of the program
    Disclaimer           - Read before using the software
    Distribution         - The files that must be kept together
    System Requirements  - The Hardware requirements of the program

    Usage                - An explanation of how to use the program
    The Depth Gadget     - How to use the Depth Gadget

    F1GP-Ed              - Details on another excellent utility

    - Previous versions of F1GP-SaveEd
    Future               - Things to do for the next version
    Bug Reports          - How to report bugs found in the program

    Credits              - Details on who wrote what
    About the Author     - A little bit about myself
    Copyrights           - The Copyrights of the program

NOTE : This document has been written with Workbench 3.0 in mind.  Users
using an inferior version of Workbench will not get the bold, italics, and
underline styles in the text.

Converted on 17 Jun 1997 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.