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F1GP-Ed is an excellent utility that will allow you to customize your copy
of F1GP to beyond recognition.  You can change virtually every aspect of the
game.  For instance, in my copy, I have changed the data to the 1997 season
data instead of the original 1991 season data.  The Cars now go much faster.
You can change the colours of the cars, the drivers' helmets and even the
pit engineer's clothes!

The cockpit graphics can be completely changed.  Everything down to the
positions of all of the different lights, end even the start lights at the
start of the race can be changed.  I have changed mine to show five red
lights that then go out, just like in real life.

You can also change the background pictures.  I now have photo quality
pictures in the background instead of the cartoony ones of the original.

Anyway, enough selling.  You can get a hold of F1GP-Ed from the author,
Oliver Roberts at the following website:-


or write to him at:-

 Oliver Roberts
 30 Tillett Road
 NR3 4BJ

The registration fee is £6, and is worth every penny.  I wouldn't dream of
using F1GP without F1GP-Ed.

Converted on 17 Jun 1997 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.