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This program allows you to change various settings in your F1GP end of race
save game.  Whereas F1GP-Ed is an excellent utility, it doesn't as yet
provide a way of editing Saved Games.  This program will allow you to change
the following settings:-

· The result of every race in the season so far

· The name of every driver, and also which driver is a computer/human

· The names of every Team, and also their Engine names.  You can also
  change which driver drives for them.

The following tools were used in the coding of this program:-

AMOS Professional V2.00 - To code the F1GP-SaveEd executable

CygnusEd Pro V3.5       - Used to write this guide file, and the

Heddley V1.1            - Used to tidy up this guide file once finished

Converted on 17 Jun 1997 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.