- What is POSBB ?
POSBB is a new benchmark program,with which you will be able to test and compare different computers,Operating Systems,CPUs,and even C compilers.
It will be able to perform many tests,and the user will select wich test want to use. Later also graphical frontends for many platforms will arrive.
- Why "POSBB" ?
POSBB means Portable OS-Based Benchmark.
Portable because there will be portings for many platforms and I'll send the sources to everyone who wants to help me.
OS-Based because it will use functions of the Operating Systems,or ANSI C functions,but NEVER custom routines. I'll do so because I want to test the performances that real programs would have on a given computer and Operating System,not the raw power of the hardware.
Benchmark doesn't need any other word.
- Which tests does POSBB perform ?
It does or will do these tests:
- Memory copying speed
- Int Math speed
- FP Math speed
- Sorting speed
- Graphic speed (pixels,lines,polygons,etc...)
- Text output speed (both graphical and to stdout)
- Disk speed (reading and writing to files,not directly to the disk)
- GUI drawing speed (drawing of a very complex user interface,probably MUI on the Amiga)
- Multitasking performances (using two or more threads)
- JPEG / MPEG encoding-decoding speed
- Data compression-decompression speed,with various algoritms
- Ray tracing speed
- ...
" Says the test already runs.
Any other suggestions are welcome.
- What platforms does POSBB run on ?
At this time there's two version of Posbb: Amiga and "generic". The first do all the tests I've finished,
the seconds lack graphical ones and it will enver have them. In fact the "generic" version is compatible with every computer on Earth which has a C compiler. You can compile it on every platforms without changing anything.
- Who's working on "POSBB" ?
At the moment only I am working on POSBB. E-Mail me to join POSBB Team.
You can so take an important part in the developing of this program.
I'm expecially searching for programmers who can port POSBB to other platforms,like Win16, Win32, MS-DOS, Un*x, BeOS, Mac,...
- Where is POSBB ?
Click here to download the latest archive available. (Amiga v0.17,generic v0.12)
Until now it hasn't been uploaded onto the Aminet,because it's still a beta version.
In the archive you will find the Amiga executable,sources,docs,results of tests on some machines and also the logo you see on this page.
History History.generic History.Amiga Manual

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Last Update 6 Mar 98