POSBB - Portable OS-Based Benchark by Pietro Altomani From a Shell type posbb are: -o output results to -all do all tests -gfx do graphics tests (only Amiga version until now) -mem do memory tests -math do math tests -disk do disk tests (disabled) -p set precision of tests. Precision must be 'low','medium','high','higher','highest'. The higher is the precision you want,the higher the time the tests will take: with 'medium' the tests are two times longer than with 'low','high' four time 'low', 'higher' eight time 'low','highest' sixteen times 'low'. The results given are always those it would give if it run with precision highest. -freeze freeze (Forbid()/Permit()) multitasking when doing tests. (Amiga 68k only) Options are case-sensitive,in the current version. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! This is a beta release ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Read other docs for more infos. Visit http://www.pragmanet.it/hppersonali/user827/Posbb.htm to get a newer version. If you have other questions,send an email to altomanipietro@pragmanet.it. Thanks for trying Posbb. Pietro Altomani altomanipietro@pragmanet http://www.pragmanet.it/hppersonali/user827/Pietro.htm