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DoomGATE 0.7 BETA [3936]

Introduction|| Installation|| Usage|| Credits|| Future|| History|| Contacts

Even if you want to leave DoomGATE where it is, please MOVE the Doom directory (to RAM:...) and install it into your chosen location.

The installer checks the integrety of your DoomGATE copy, checks for MUIRexx and optionally copies WBLoad into your C: directory. Installer will also set up a few Env variables that DoomGATE uses so that you can use it sooner, rather than having to use the DoomGATE GUI to do it later. No system file are touched, and removal of DoomGATE completely would simply consist of its deletion, and the erasure of Env:DoomGATE and Envarc:DoomGATE.
The installer will bring up your system editor to edit the file that contains the information about different doom ports. It should be pretty easy to edit for your own system so I won't go into it here, unless people say thats its not quite as easy as it should be :-)
If you have installed DoomGATE before, (after 7.0a) the installer will notice this and update your current installation by default. It will also (optionally) not setup the default env variables.

The installation makes use of InstallerFX to make it way cooler than normal.

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