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DoomGATE 0.7 BETA [3936]

Introduction|| Installation|| Usage|| Credits|| Future|| History|| Contacts

DoomGATE is my attempt at a complete, helpful Doom Manager for the Amiga. It can automatically setup the drive buffers that Doom needs, and check the stack is set at a resonable level. It provides easy access to all the Doom commandlines, with bubble help if you can't remember what they all do. The GUI provides simple access to networking, with a set of radio gadgets for both the number of nodes, and your node number. Also incororated into the program is a large amount of information about Doom itself, including a FAQ and a list of known "Cheats". This will be expanded as more questions and information is collected. There is also section allowing modification of your .doomrc file, setting such things as ChatMacro's and volumes, detail levels and gamma correction.

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